Prijavu apstrakta možete izvršiti na sajtu kongresa ili slanjem vaših podataka i apstrakta na e-mail adresu: [email protected]
Molimo Vas da prilikom pripreme apstrakta imate u vidu sljedeće preporuke:
- Kratak i precizan naslov koji ukazuje na cilj rada;
- Spisak autora sa imenima i prezimenima autora i koautora;
- Institucija, grad i država u kojoj je rad nastao;
- E-mail glavnog autora tj. autora za korespondenciju;
- Apstrakt treba da bude organizovan u 5 pasusa (uvod, cilj, materijal i metode, rezultati i zaključak).
- Poželjno je da apstrakt sadrži do 300 riječi.
Istaknite 3 do 5 ključnih riječi koje fokusiraju Vaš rad. - Jezik apstrakta treba da bude crnogorski ili engleski.
Submit an abstract on the congress website or by sending your data and abstract to the e-mail address: [email protected]
Please keep the following recommendations in mind when preparing your abstract:
- A short and precise title that indicates the aim of the paper.
- List of authors with names and surnames of authors and co-authors
- Institution, city and country where the work was created.
- E-mail of the main author, i.e. of the corresponding author.
- The abstract should be organized in 5 paragraphs (introduction, objective, material and methods, results and conclusion).
- It is desirable that the abstract contains up to 300 words. Highlight 3 to 5 key words that focus your work.
- The language of the abstract should be Montenegrin or English.